What is a Shaman?

Well for starters it’s not about being a ”guru”. True Shamanism is about understanding that every single one of us has a Shaman within us, that can be unleashed once we know how. Watch today’s video where I reveal how to tap into the medicinal powers of nature to heal and transform ourselves! #paulinenguyen #shamanism

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I fall In Love all the time.
I fall In Love all the time.
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Trust in the Process and the gold will come.
Trust in the Process and the gold will come.
Oh Yeah! I’m also a multi award winning author. Almost forgot about that one! Punching out a few articles today for Tonic Magazine. While I am a fast thinker, I …read more
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Big Gratitude to my Agent Ode Management for the headline to International Women’s Day
Big Gratitude to my Agent Ode Management for the headline to International Women’s Day
Big Gratitude to my Agent Ode Management for the headline to International Women’s Day. To discover more the impact that I make through my Keynotes visit https://pauline-nguyen.com/speaker/ For all enquiries and bookings …read more
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