Finding the Gold in Conflict

We are not meant to be happy 24 hours a day 7 days a week. We are designed to experience the full gamut of emotions. 

There is a lot to be learned from experiencing melancholy, anger and frustration. 

Do you live your business life and your personal life under the illusion that the situations surrounding you must always be great, and everyone around you must be cheerful and happy all the time? 

If you are, then you are setting yourself up for major disappointment and suffering. This is not how the Universe works. 

The question is, how long will you choose to stay in that emotion? How long you choose to stay there and how quickly you move out of it, is what defines you. Will you choose to master your emotions or will you choose to be hijacked by your emotions? We all get to choose. 

Join me at my Awaken the Spiritual Entrepreneur Retreat where you will learn to master your emotions and turbo charge the reprogramming of your subconscious for lasting change. 

On Retreat is where you will upgrade your operating system and accelerate your evolution. 

You can go to any other ‘Leadership’ or ‘Personal Development’ program and listen to the same old, same old motivational crap, or you can come to Awaken the Spiritual Entrepreneur Retreat, and flip old beliefs to discover the truth of yourself, master your emotions, and finally find the solutions that work. 

Click here for much more info:

More Inspiration

“How magical that feeling is, to feel light, to feel pleasure, to feel joy every single day.”
“How magical that feeling is, to feel light, to feel pleasure, to feel joy every single day.”
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Called And Pulled From A Hunger Inside

Our body is an instrument of consciousness, but how many of us truly listen to our bodies for intunement and attunement? This is an important part of the teachings on my Awaken the Spiritual Entrepreneur Retreat.

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Love people so freely they wonder why.
Love people so freely they wonder why.
Albert Einstein once said, that the woman who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The woman who walks alone is likely to find herself …read more
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We Cannot Let Fear Determine Our Future
We Cannot Let Fear Determine Our Future

True freedom comes when we are defined by a vision of the future, and are no longer held hostage by the painful memories of our childhood and the emotional bondage of the past.

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