In the classic story, Excalibur, King Arthur’s loyal knights join him at his round table to break bread, tell stories, and help solve each other’s problems from a higher state of mind.
This envelopment within unlike-minded souls is the foundation of my Spiritual Entrepreneur Round Tables. Each session brings together a group of high achieving entrepreneurs with proven personal and professional acumen.
This online event is designed to help you go from feeling stagnant to becoming InSpirit, InSpired and In Love with the Joy for Existence.
When you attend the Round Table, you can expect the unexpected! In this online event:
- You will enjoy insights and inspirations from my award-winning book, The Way of the Spiritual Entrepreneur
- Hear stories and experiences shares from unlike-minded entrepreneurs
- Guided Breathwork and Shamanic Activations
- Enjoy juicy discussions that will make your spirit sing
“We become our associations. We become our conversations. Our environment becomes us and we become our environment. We must choose them well.”
Friday 16 October
7pm – 10pm (AEST).