Christmas greetings from Washington DC!

I have to say, that come Christmas time each year, it is such a privilege for me to witness the evolution of my children. As the years go by, they don’t want the material things anymore. It is the experiences that they wish to savour. This year my son is in New York with his friends and I’ll be joining him shortly. My daughter is hanging out on her boyfriend’s farm, in nature, playing with the cows. It’s the experiences that they want. This year, I have an encouragement for everyone. While so many people are stressed out and in frantic states of buying more and cooking more and consuming more, I wonder if we can take a moment and really distinguish between abundance and excess. Perhaps this year, we can forego the food comas. To cook mindfully, to eat mindfully, to drink mindfully, to give and receive mindfully. To do ourselves a little bit differently this year. Savour. Savour is one of my favourite words. Can we savour the flavours this year? Savour the experiences, savour the presence of others…savouring the moment. Can we just have enough? Can we just be enough? I know this is not such an easy time of year for many, as we connect with friends, family and extended family. Can we not do conflict this year? Can we refrain from conflict this year, and savour the moment. To find inner peace and really solidifying what this time of year really means. It is a time for reflection on the year that was, and a time for inviting in the new year with a higher vibration, with a higher frequency. To not be bogged down and heavy and weighed down with ‘stuff.’ To savour. To experience, abundance and not excess. To just have enough and be enough. To refrain from conflict and invite in the new year as a very different ‘being.’ My friends, I wish for you Happy Holidays and the most joyful, peaceful, festive season. And most of all, I wish you love. I wish you love. Metta. Metta. Metta. #badassbydesign #thewayofthespiritualentrepreneur

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