THAT DREAM…when that dream is backed by an unrelenting will and drive to attain it… that dream becomes a reality with imminent arrival.
We are only ever one decision away from a totally different life.
Never Underestimate the Power of a Decision.
Riddle me this…. how can you achieve greatness if you don’t aim to be great?
How can you be ‘the best’ at anything if you don’t aim to be ‘the best’?
How can you win awards if you don’t aim to win awards?
How can you reap the benefits of ‘the work’ if you don’t do ‘the work?’
How can you walk the walk if you don’t walk the walk?
The ‘aim’, the ‘goal’, the ‘strive’ itself sets in motion entire vortexes of possibilities and delicious opportunities.
It is The Law.
Change mocks us with her beauty. Change loves us unconditionally. Change always ‘shows up’ –
she is reliable like that.
And when we understand the abundant gifts that Change brings, we consistently step the fuck up to reinvent ourselves, to rewrite our story, to question the existing paradigms and transcend the status quo.
And when we embrace Change because she has never let us down, we get off our arse to make manifest our dreams in order to uplevel our existence and our contribution to this earth.
And we solidify our worth because we have proven our competence and our potential time and time and time again.
And when we know our worth, we are not afraid to consistently remind people of our value. This is when we can stand strong in our power and our unwavering internal certainty, and we watch the true magic and adventures of life unfold.
When you know who you are and you know where you are going, you know who to take with you.
If you broadcast at a certain frequency and remain unwavering on that vibration, the right people will always tune in.
I trust the next chapter because I know the Author.
I do things differently because it is much more fun.
And you know what? Sometimes the fear won’t go away, so you have to do it afraid.
The goal is growth. Not perfection.