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I Am The Expert Of My Life
I Am The Expert Of My Life

When nothing on the outside satisfies you, there is only one turn left, and that is to turn within. In the past, I have too often abdicated control and responsibility to others; the so called ‘experts’. Multiple times in business and in life, this has led to disappointment, disillusionment, heart ache, soul ache and financial pain.

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“Life sometimes separates people so that they may realize how much they mean to each other.”
“Life sometimes separates people so that they may realize how much they mean to each other.”
“Life sometimes separates people so that they may realize how much they mean to each other.” (Eleven Minutes, Paolo Coelho)
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SNEAK PEEK! PODCAST ALERT – New Episode has dropped!
SNEAK PEEK! PODCAST ALERT – New Episode has dropped!
“Wherever you are at peace, the question is, how are you protecting your peace? What would you fight for? What would you kill for? What would you surrender for? So …read more
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“I have a growth mindset. I am a perpetual learner.”
“I have a growth mindset. I am a perpetual learner.”
I LOVED spending time with Simone Silverman, Founder and Editor of The Silver Women. When we met at Clovelly Beach, I was on my way to a business meeting and …read more
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