Love people so freely they wonder why.
Albert Einstein once said, that the woman who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd.
The woman who walks alone is likely to find herself in places no one has ever been before.
I believe we must seek out the unique, the wonderful and the anti-ordinary.
I believe we must seek out Joy and Awe and Wonder and Peacefulness and Deliciousness on a daily basis.
Because Joy, Awe, Wonder, Peacefulness and Deliciousness doesn’t just come knocking on your door.
You’ve got to go out and get it.
Maybe life will surprise you when you deliberately seek these things.
And what does it mean to Seek?
To Seek means to LOVE.
The Seeker discovers the Secret Magik in Universal Love, Self Love, Cosmic Love, and especially, the Love in the Joy for Existence.
Love makes us see things in different colours.
Especially when we have been seeing in the dark.
Did you know that simply believing in miracles does more for your healing than you will ever, ever, ever know?
If Love is not madness, then, it is not Love.
Love people so freely they wonder why.