I know the value that I give.
I know the impact that I make.
I know what I am worth.
Wherever I go, as much as I can, and for those who are ready, I leave an undeniable sense of ‘Increase.’
It is in my genetic coding.
People say that tolerance is a virtue. I say that Intolerance is also a virtue.
I no longer listen to people who complain about the things they are not willing to change.
I no longer tolerate being around people who ride the pity train.
I make it a habit of shutting down conversations that involve gossip, hating on life and hating on other people.
I simply walk away… even in mid conversation if I need to, I simply walk away.
WellBeing is not just about what we eat and drink. WellBeing is the thoughts we think, the words we speak and the concepts we share.
Just as our thoughts become things, our words are our wings. Choose them carefully. Share them wisely.
I have been told aplenty that I am ‘too intense.’ That I am ‘too much.’ That I am ‘too out there.’ That I am ‘too blunt.’ That I am ‘too cold.’
They call it inappropriate.
I call it Radical Honesty.
It’s ok if they don’t get it.
People mistake my need to speak my truth as the need to be right.
I don’t need to be right.
I have no desire to win an argument for the sake of winning an argument. This is a mismanagement of valuable energy.
I don’t need to be right. I need to be true.
When you are speaking your truth, you are doing no thing wrong.
Truth needs no argument.
I thrive on sharing experiences with those who ask for insight and I don’t mind being the guide for those who ask for a lead.
But I care not to convince anyone to follow my path or to entertain those who seek debate.
Anything that costs me my Peace is too expensive. I would rather walk away.