More Inspiration
I Am The Expert Of My Life
When nothing on the outside satisfies you, there is only one turn left, and that is to turn within. In the past, I have too often abdicated control and responsibility to others; the so called ‘experts’. Multiple times in business and in life, this has led to disappointment, disillusionment, heart ache, soul ache and financial pain.
The Smart Entrepreneurs are NOT AFRAID to explore Ancient Wisdom
The Times, they are a Changing. The Smart Entrepreneurs are NOT AFRAID to explore Ancient Wisdom combined with Science and Spirituality to achieve faster and more powerful results for their organisations and corporations.
Nurture Your Nervous System
The Secret To Living Is Giving
One of the greatest joys that I experience with my Spiritual Entrepreneur Roundtables is the invitation for my guests to not only come to learn from me, but also learn from each other. The Secret to Living is Giving, and boy, did the Spiritual Entrepreneurs at Tuesday’s Roundtable give A LOT!