Is your desire in Life to be Happy?

Is your desire in Life to be Happy? Then, let me ask you… what do you deliberately do each day to activate happiness? Is your desire in Life to experience Joy? Then, let me ask you…what do you deliberately do each day to experience Joy? Is your desire in Life to have more Energy and feel InSpirit and InSpired? Then, let me ask you… what do you deliberately do each day to boost your energy and shift into states of Inspiration? Is your desire in Life to be Power-Full? Then, let me ask you… what do you deliberately do each day to charge yourself up with Power? Is your desire in Life to feel Sexy and Sensual? Then, let me ask you… what do you deliberately do each day to practice feeling Sexy and Sensual? If you want to be Happy, then you’ve got to do it deliberately. If you want to experience Joy, then you’ve got to do it deliberately. If you want to feel energised and inspired, then you’ve got to do it deliberately. If you want to be Power-Full, then you’ve got to do it deliberately. If you want to feel Sexy and Sensual, then you’ve got to do it deliberately. These things don’t just come knocking at your door. If you don’t do the work, you don’t get the pay. Do you live each day in Service of Life? Or do you expect Life to service you? Do you live your Life by Design? Or do you live your life by default? Do you give LIFE to LIFE? LIFE rewards those who Play Full Out in this Game of Life. #BadassbyDesign #thewayofthespiritualentrepreneur

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