Wild Women, are not made to be tame.

Wild Women, are not made to be tame. A Queen will always turn her pain into Power. But it is not Queen Energy you see my darling. It is King Energy…. and there in lies the difference. #BadassbyDesign #thewayofthespiritualentrepreneur

More Inspiration

Ten Beautiful Souls Coming Together
Ten Beautiful Souls Coming Together

I am having so much fun at our Spiritual Entrepreneur Roundtables.  Tuesday’s gathering was no exception. Ten beautiful souls coming together from entirely different backgrounds sharing. We went deep and shared some profound conversation.

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“No one goes to the Grand Canyon to increase self-esteem.
“No one goes to the Grand Canyon to increase self-esteem.
“No one goes to the Grand Canyon to increase self-esteem. Why do we go? Because there is greater healing for the soul in beholding splendor than there is in beholding self. The really …read more
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We do not meditate to get good at meditation; we meditate to get good at life.
We do not meditate to get good at meditation; we meditate to get good at life.
We do not meditate to get good at meditation; we meditate to get good at life. The secret to your future is hidden in your daily routine. For those who wish to …read more
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How Will You Show Up?
How Will You Show Up?
A number of my friends have expressed the difficult times that they are experiencing with family dynamics during these times. While spending time on holidays with family sounds idyllic, it ain’t …read more
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