Become the Alchemist.

Life is not about ‘come what may’ and ‘how you take it.’ Life is about the glory of living deliberately and crafting circumstances. Life is about magnetizing players and forging alliances. It’s about leveraging the Universe and engaging the magic so that you can have the sun, the moon, the stars, and all the adventures of the heart. This is what Alchemists do. They do not reflect back unconsciousness. Alchemists absorb, integrate and transform it. Become the Alchemist. #badassbydesign #thewayofthespiritualentrepreneur

More Inspiration

Always grateful for a good testimonial!
Always grateful for a good testimonial!
ODE Management – “If anyone hasn’t heard her speak, they need to!” Well, that’s what the Managing Director of Modere Australia had to say about Ode Speaker, Pauline Nguyen – and …read more
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So, how are your New Year Resolutions going?
So, how are your New Year Resolutions going?
So, how are your New Year Resolutions going? You know that to make a resolution is not the same as setting a future goal right? A resolution says you will RESOLVE something. …read more
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The goal is growth.  Not perfection.
The goal is growth. Not perfection.
THAT DREAM…when that dream is backed by an unrelenting will to attain it… that dream becomes a reality with imminent arrival. We are only ever one decision away from a totally …read more
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The best view comes always come from a different perspective!
The best view comes always come from a different perspective!
The best view comes always come from a different perspective! #paulinenguyen
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