Your Sexual Energy is your Life Force.

Your Sexual Energy is your Life Force. The more life force energy you have, the more connected you will be to your infinite nature and the more inspired you feel on a daily basis. Do not suppress your sexual energy. It is your Birth Right. Embrace it. Honour it. Express it. For those who try to shame you for the expression of your sexual energy because they are ashamed of their own…. pay them no mind. When you no longer feel shame, suppression or discomfort towards it, you will learn that you can transmute sexual energy into creative energy. And when this happens… Witness how many ideas will come pouring out of you. Witness how many new opportunities will come your way. Witness how many new and extraordinary people will come into your life. You will become magnetic. You will no longer need to chase anything. You will simply start to attract everything. Because you Feel Alive. You will then come to understand, that you have the power to start Revolutions by simply existing. #Badassbydesign #thewayofthespiritualentrepreneur

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