Potency over popularity every time.

There have been many times where I have been berated, lectured to, frowned upon and judged for not behaving the way ‘the powers that be’ think I should. Attempts to mute and censor me and put me into place because I refuse to ‘play the game’. They know not the potent impact that I make for the people in my ‘Inner Worlds’. They know nothing about the lives I have changed and influence on a daily basis. Why play small in conventional mainstream when we can make a massive impact with non conventional wisdom. Potency over popularity every time. People are always afraid of what they do not understand. Be so completely yourself that you give others permission to be completely themselves also. #badassbydesign #thewayofthespiritualentrepreneur

More Inspiration

The Lioness does not try to be the Lion.
The Lioness does not try to be the Lion.
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MARG’S TESTIMONIAL The Spiritual Entrepreneur Accelerator Program “I knew it would be exciting and valuable to be a part of Pauline’s Spiritual Entrepreneur Accelerator Program. I had heard Pauline deliver a powerful …read more
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As A Leader, We Are Always Being Watched
As A Leader, We Are Always Being Watched

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When Two Good Mates get together and try to be serious for a Podcast…
When Two Good Mates get together and try to be serious for a Podcast…
When Two Good Mates get together and try to be serious for a Podcast… have lots of cheeky giggles…. and end up revealing stories never told before… Thanks Dr Maria Zuschmann Me …read more
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