It was a time when I was called to my own attention.

This footage is from last winter.

I was hesitant to post this until a friend encouraged me to do so.

It was a time when I was called to my own attention.

Those who are not really in my orbit, don’t really know what it is that I actually ‘do’.

Sure, they know that I co-own a restaurant, and that I’ve written a couple of books, and that I am a speaker, and that I coach people, and every so often, post semi naked photos of myself, as well as on occasion, do some ‘spiritual shit.’

But those things are only a part of ‘what – I – actually – do’.

If I told you in words what I ‘actually’ do, you probably won’t believe me. If I told you ‘how’ I do it, you probably will ridicule me. If I told you how deeply moving, and important, and profound this work is, and how much fun we all have in the process, you will probably think that I am lying.

And I am ok that you are not ok.

So, what do I actually do?

I am an Activator. It is in my genetic coding. It is in my DNA.

“What the fuck is an Activator?”

Well, in short, I hold people to their own attention. So that they can, of their own free will, step into a new level of Enlightenment… and if they so choose, with the power tools that I have given them, leave the Endarkenment that they have created for themselves.

And yes, there’s a whole lot of spiritual shit that goes on. But it’s not all Juju and Woowoo (never any voodoo). I am highly skilled, extremely educated and qualified in multiple modalities. How else would I achieve the results that I achieve?

This footage is from last winter.

Those who know me well, will know that; while I am aware of the impact that I make, I am not praise driven. I am data driven.
Gifts and Words of Affirmation are not my love language to receive. I generally brush over the praise to quickly get to the data so that I can be better better better at what I do. This was literally beaten into me as a young child.

This footage is from last winter.

It was time when the Universe created so many scenarios where I had no choice but to shut the fuck up and let others express their gratitude in the way that they wanted to express it.

One of my dear students Marie da Roza had allowed me that opportunity. God knows how long it must have taken her to create this gift and tears stream down my face every time I think about the amount of her efforts. I am deeply grateful that Marie is grateful. Her testimonial says it all.

It is difficult to explain in words what I actually ‘do’. It’s an experiential thing and I have always been difficult to box or define. I prefer it that way.

If you would like to discover for yourself what so many others have discovered, there really is only one way to find out.

Join Me.
Life will never be the same again.
The Spiritual Entrepreneur Accelerator 3 Month Online Program
Course commences January 28.
There are only a few spots left.

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