Thank you Old Tree.

Whenever you feel unhappy, come to the Earth and ask for her help. When you feel restless or lack confidence in yourself, or when you feel angry or unhappy, you can kneel down and touch the ground deeply with your hand. Touch the Earth as if it were your favourite thing or best friend. Whenever you are tired or unhappy, Touching the Earth is a powerful practice to heal you and restore your joy. But the secret is to also give back to Mother Earth. Just as she provides for us, we too must give back our healing energy and our gratitude. My Tree stands tall and strong in Bronte Gully. Old Tree is grand and he is wise. He has withstood many harsh conditions and has enjoyed eves dropping on a multitude of conversations – sharing not one single secret. He has looked over many passers by and not once has passed judgement. I have whispered to him my troubles and told him many stories, and he keeps them all to himself. I pay him gratitude on each of my walks and I radiate back to him the loving energy that he so generously gives to me. Thank you Old Tree. #thewayofthespiritualentrepreneur

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