We Cannot Let Fear Determine Our Future

True freedom comes when we are defined by a vision of the future, and are no longer held hostage by the painful memories of our childhood and the emotional bondage of the past.

I caught myself a couple of times last week reverting back to the emotion of fear in relation to a particular event that I had experienced a couple of years ago.  A financial blow that had me fall to my knees.  Such is the life of an Entrepreneur.

That event happened so long ago but the feeling of dread and fear returned, and it was as if I was experiencing that event all over again.  And then it hit me that what I was experiencing, was actually trauma.  Trauma that I hadn’t yet healed. 

From a psychological perspective, trauma is defined as an experience that the mental psyche cannot integrate because it exceeds the capacity of the one who experiences it to absorb it. It is as if the traumatic event short-circuits the psyche. The psyche freezes on the trauma, mesmerised by the traumatic event, unable to process it and we are caught in an abysmal suffering.  Needless to say, last week was a week of intentional self healing.  I did the work on myself, using the same tools and techniques that I coach my clients to disrupt the feeling of being their familiar, less empowered self.  Needless to say, I woke up a different person this morning! 

From Awareness Stems Change.

New decisions activate new genes and new neuro-pathways.  New decisions activate new emotions.  New emotions activate new actions.  New actions activate a new reality.

Never underestimate the power of a decision.

The starting point of all achievement is desire. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desires bring weak results. Ask yourself, ‘What if there was another way?’ ‘What if I were called to live another life?’ ‘What if the destiny and the divinity in me was to have it all?’ It takes an enormous amount of courage to question your existing paradigms and think that you might not be right. It takes an enormous amount of courage to admit that the way you see the world might be flawed in some way or that there may be a better way of thinking or behaving or living. It takes an enormous amount of courage to open your mind and your heart. 

As a Spiritual Entrepreneur, being vulnerable is about knowing yourself so intimately that you have a secure sense of self-identity. As a leader, this starts with a deep reflective intimacy with owning who you are. It is shedding the masks and veneers of who you think you are or who you think you need to be in order to be successful. Running away from uncertainty, uncomfortable feelings or situations that frighten you won’t keep you safe. What you are really doing is running away from your growth. Feeling uncomfortable is often the first stage of growth. What you are avoiding and running away from will ultimately continue to come back around in another disguise until you finally ‘get it’ and apply it in your own life.

We cannot let fear determine our future.  

Hold yourself accountable for facing your fears, for choosing what happens next, for facing the lesson and uncovering the blessing that is hidden within it.

If you are ready to hold yourself accountable for facing your fears; if you are ready to disrupt the habit of being yourself; if you are ready to learn the secret tools and techniques for sustainable and lasting change; then I invite you to join me at Awaken the Spiritual Entrepreneur Retreat. You will disrupt, up-level, and revolutionize your mindset, heartset, healthset and soulset to embody the willpower and resourcefulness necessary to achieve goals you once thought unattainable!

We go deep into;

* Sunrise Activation for Mitochondria Health

* Qigong and Movement for Vitality and Longevity

* The Science of Self Esteem for more Powerful Relationships

* Discovering your Stage of Spiritual Development

* BreathFit Training and Meditation for Emotional Mastery

* Heart Entrainment as a Weapon of Influence

* The Universal Laws of Manifestation

* Energy Medicine for Optimal Health and Vitality

* Eliminating Toxicity from your internal and external kingdoms

… and more!

APPLY today to avoid missing out!

There are only a few spots left. Secure your spot today.

Hold yourself accountable and don’t let fear determine your future.

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