The Opposite of Love is not Hate. The Opposite of Love is Fear.

Antonia, my beautiful new coaching client travels from Canberra to see me.  We met in the dark, eager to welcome the awakening of the sun and soak in its powerful healing energy before the commencement of our first session.  I observed Antonia as she approached me, cautious not to trip over the rock surface of the cliffs on which we stood.  

“Take off your flip flops,” I said, “let your bare feet touch the rocks.  Ground yourself to the earth.”  

I watched her hesitate a little as she drew closer to the cliff edge. I saw her eyes as she scanned the vastness of the ocean and then stop.  She was still seven metres away from where I stood…and that was where she decided to plant her belongings.  An overnight bag, a warm fluffy white coat and her black plastic flip flops.

“What are you doing?”  I asked.

She looked at me curiously as if to say; “What do you think I’m doing?”

“Why have you placed your belongings so far away?”  I giggled and then joked;  “Are you afraid they will fall into the ocean?”

Realising immediately her pre-programmed habits and beliefs, she laughed at herself and replied; “Yes, Yes, that’s exactly why. I am afraid they will fall into the ocean.”

We shared a moment of laughter, both realising ‘the work’ that needed to be done.  I walked toward her quickly and gave her a warm welcome hug.  With one hand I grabbed her things, and with the other hand, I guided her closer to the cliff edge.

“Look how beautiful it is here Antonia.  Don’t be afraid.  There is nothing to fear.  On the other side of fear there is beauty and there is love and there is adventure.  Thank you for loving yourself enough to be here with me. I promise, I won’t let you fall.”

At exactly 6.48am, the sun snuck over the horizon.  The majesty of his rays lit up a vermillion sky, giving rise to the ocean and gifting life to all that is.  At 7am, we were ready to start our first session. 

Two days later, I received this message from Antonia….

“Thank you dearest Pauline. You have helped me already!  I no longer hold anger in my heart. A situation arose recently, and I responded in grace and with inner strength instead of the usual fear reaction.  I was not afraid to do what was needed.  The only difference was this time I did it with kindness in my heart and the assertiveness that you have taught me.  Already I feel a different person and now cannot wait for your retreat.  I am so excited to learn what more I can become.  With light and much love.”  Tonia xo

The Opposite of Love is not Hate.  The Opposite of Love is Fear.

Fear stops us from seeing the bigger picture. Fear stops us from seeing another view.

You cannot have lasting happiness until you can see the big picture. If you cannot see the big picture, you will get blindsided by the things you don’t see coming around the corner. Stress, anxiety, overwhelm, fear and sickness can easily creep up and consume you when you are caught unaware.

Take the two frogs in a well. One is at the bottom of the well, the other at the top. The frog at the bottom of the well things that the circle of sky he is seeing is in face the whole sky. The frog at the top of the well sees the entire sky. 

Sometimes we can go through life like the frog at the bottom of the well – we think we see the big picture and that is all there is to our world. But there is so much more we are not seeing. 

It is impossible to see the big picture from where we are currently standing. 

When we can change our position in life, when we can ascend, when we can change our world view, our lives instantly fill with awe and wonder. When we can see the big picture, we can anticipate the future and respond to life’s demands with fearlessness, grace and poise. Our world becomes expansive and we experience how miraculous our life truly is. 

Remember – we do not climb mountains so that people can see us.  We climb mountains so we can see the world.

When you give Life to Life, Life gives back to you.

And so I ask you…  What are you afraid of? 

What is your fear?  
Is it fear of failure?  
Fear of Success?  
Fear of what people think of you? 
Fear of being seen? 
Fear of rejection?  
Fear of not being good enough?  
Fear of not being loved? 
Fear of loving?  
Fear of the truth?  
Fear of interrogating yourself and finding out who you really are?  

What fears have held you back from enjoying the bounty of life’s riches? 

Fear is learned.  Fear can also be unlearned.  

It’s time now to own your worth.  

It’s time now to discover what is on the other side of your fear.  

Let me guide you to the treasures that await you as you begin to live your life deliberately and no longer by default.

Join me for Awaken the Spiritual Entrepreneur Retreat and let me be witness to your next level greatness.

Click here to discover more –

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