SBS – “Who’s who in the new season of ‘Filthy Rich & Homeless'”

“Let us introduce you to the five high profile Australians that will swap their privileged lives to discover what life is like for the nation’s 116,000 homeless people in the upcoming third season of ‘Filthy, Rich & Homeless’…

Pauline Nguyen
As a three-year-old, Pauline Nguyen escaped Vietnam as a refugee with her family. And her upbringing in Australia was equally traumatic. Today, Pauline is an award-winning restauranteur, author and ‘Spiritual Entrepreneur’. As far as people experiencing homelessness, overcoming their trauma, Pauline’s not willing to judge. But she believes we are all capable of achieving anything with the right resources.

As an international speaker and facilitator, Pauline’s teaching workshops encourage her clients to unlock their ‘Next Level Greatness’. The mission: to alleviate human suffering and magnify human potential. Pauline admits to not knowing a lot about the issue of homelessness but is keen to learn more, and discover what some of the solutions might be.”

Click here to read the full article.

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