CEO Magazine – “The Spiritual Entrepreneur: Pauline Nguyen shares her secrets to success”

“Award-winning author, entrepreneur, international speaker and restaurant owner Pauline Nguyen shares her secrets to becoming fearless, stress-free and unshakable in business and in life.

Pauline Nguyen’s story is one that makes you hold your breath.

Just by looking at her and her achievements – successful entrepreneur and businesswoman, prize-winning author, international speaker and co-owner of the most awarded Vietnamese restaurant in the world – you might assume she had a privileged upbringing.

As we enjoy a mouth-watering four-course tasting menu at Pauline’s acclaimed Red Lantern restaurant in Sydney, she immediately proves this assumption wrong.

When Saigon fell to communist rule in 1975, Pauline’s father realised that he had to get his family out of Vietnam. In October 1977, the family of four set off in a tiny, handmade fishing vessel. Pauline was three years old and her brother Lewis was two.

“After nine terrifying days at sea, we landed on the coast of Thailand. For the next year, we lived in a tent inside the Dinh Dieng refugee camp, where my mother gave birth to my younger brother, Luke,” Pauline recalls…”

Click here to read the full article.

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