We don’t have work or business problems, we have personal problems that reflect in our work and our businesses. Our level of consciousness has a profound effect on our businesses and our lives. Every thought, every action, creates ripples through this infinite field of consciousness. We are far more powerful than we realise. Calm Courage is Contagious. So is Fear. As the leader, we must continuously do the inner work to fortify our inner core. As the leader, it is our responsibility to extract as much positive value and make as many empowering meanings from any challenge that comes our way. As the leader, we are always being watched. Spirituality, therefore, is dealing with and handling all situations from a higher perspective. To be calm in turmoil becomes a revolutionary act. Because the Quality of our Emotions is the Game of Life. Do you want to learn how to tap into your TRUE POWER through AUTHENTIC EXPRESSION? If so, join me for my Spiritual Entrepreneur Accelerator program as I unleash for you a side of Leadership that you have never known before. Next intake: September 16 Join Me. LIFE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN

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The Secret To Living Is Giving
The Secret To Living Is Giving

One of the greatest joys that I experience with my Spiritual Entrepreneur Roundtables is the invitation for my guests to not only come to learn from me, but also learn from each other. The Secret to Living is Giving, and boy, did the Spiritual Entrepreneurs at Tuesday’s Roundtable give A LOT!

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Love people so freely that they wonder why.
Love people so freely that they wonder why.
Many come close, yet few dare, so boldly, to live without judgement, to give without expecting, and to love for no reason. The more flexible the body, the more flexible the …read more
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Power vs Force
Power vs Force
@sifujohncogan teaching me about Power vs Force. This is how even small Asian chicks like myself can move mountains with the gentlest of touch.
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How Will You Show Up?
How Will You Show Up?
A number of my friends have expressed the difficult times that they are experiencing with family dynamics during these times. While spending time on holidays with family sounds idyllic, it ain’t …read more
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