Love people so freely that they wonder why

Many come close, yet few dare, so boldly, to live without judgement, to give without expecting, and to love for no reason. The more flexible the body, the more flexible the mind, the more flexible the spirit, the soul, and the heart. What if real productivity was deciding who to love versus what to do. Love people so freely that they wonder why.

More Inspiration

Human in Leadership
Human in Leadership
Our conversations need to change. Why? Because the old dialogue is no longer sufficient. As well, the same conversations are getting boring. We cannot fight separatism with more separatism. It’s not about Women in …read more
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We are all hostage to something.
We are all hostage to something.
We are all hostage to something. What we do tomorrow requires us to look at the present reality of all things. Our pain is not what will determine our future. …read more
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As you Evolve you will make a lot of people uncomfortable.
As you Evolve you will make a lot of people uncomfortable.
As you Evolve you will make a lot of people uncomfortable. Evolve anyway. Follow your Intuition, your Spirit and your Soul. You see, people can only meet you at the depths that they …read more
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When I love you, it is with all my heart. When I stop loving you, it is also with all my heart.
When I love you, it is with all my heart. When I stop loving you, it is also with all my heart.
When I love you, it is with all my heart. When I stop loving you, it is also with all my heart. #badassbydesign #thewayofthespiritualentrepreneur
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