Is there anything greater I can give to you than to work on myself?

Is there anything greater I can give to you than to work on myself?

To forgive, love, expand, invest in and express myself?


Because I take myself everywhere I go, and my words and actions indirectly and directly affect you.

Contemporary Spirituality is about Personal Development, Growth and Evolution.

But it’s not about simply knowing the rules and the laws of the Universe, it’s about actually living it.

This is the difference between knowledge and wisdom.

Get Wise my friend.

We are on this earth in this life time to do three things.

To Evolve. To Push Humanity Forward.

And to do it with Joy.

Are you living your life In Purpose and On Purpose?

Are you living your life InSpirit, InSpired and In Joy?

Are you living your life Deliberately and By Design?

Or are you living it by default?


More Inspiration

Stepping up is a full time job.
Stepping up is a full time job.
You gotta find out what you do best and rock that. Stepping up is a full time job. When you decide to take control of your life, you don’t take breaks… you …read more
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Let Go Of People Who Are Not Ready
Let Go Of People Who Are Not Ready

It is not an attitude of pride, but of congruence. You will continue to love them but with another perspective, from another level of understanding, comprehension, consciousness and awareness.

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Everything is Life and Death
Everything is Life and Death

They say that tolerance is a virtue. I say that Intolerance is also a virtue. It is easier to cull, shed, ignore, block and delete the energy vampires, dream stealers, shit talkers and sleepwalkers when we learn to treat everything as life and death.

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The Ziva Life Collective Retreat. Are you ready?
The Ziva Life Collective Retreat. Are you ready?
The Ziva Life Collective Retreat. Are you ready: ➡️ to live in joy? ➡️ for ecstasy on a regular basis? ➡️ for the vitality of being fully alive and fully human? The …read more
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