Shannon’s Testimonial:
“Pauline’s Spiritual Entrepreneur Accelerator Program has shown me how fucking powerful I am, and that we can all be when we put in the work.
Pauline has given me the strength and the know how to instantly reach for, and to live my greatness in my everyday life.
The most beautiful thing is it’s all within me. The freedom that has come with the courage to speak my truth has been a game changer for my self-esteem, along with simple tools to change my behaviours that get me out of being ‘stuck’.
Most of all, I am so grateful for seeing my own power to live consciously in higher states of gratitude and appreciation to overcome my fears and anxieties, so that they do not touch me, where they would have in the past.
I now feel powerful to influence myself to live the life I want to live, and I am more connected to nature to assist me in living my dreams. Life is so fucking exciting!”
(Shannon Hurley – Speaker, Conservationist, Ocean Explorer & Shark Whisperer)
The Spiritual Entrepreneur Accelerator
3 month online program
Commences: June 17, 2021