Everything is Life and Death

They say that tolerance is a virtue. I say that Intolerance is also a virtue.


It is easier to cull, shed, ignore, block and delete the energy vampires, dream stealers, shit talkers and sleepwalkers when we learn to treat everything as life and death – even the honouring of something perceived as small as a commitment of a phone call or a meeting or a careful response to a sentiment received. 

Get rid of those who repeatedly do not keep their word.

The amateurs are inconsistent. The professionals always show up. The Badass Ninjas treat everything as life and death.

Intensity of action and intensity of mindset and spirit creates intensity of friendships and breeds intense rewards.

We all have turning points in our lives. Most of the time we don’t see them until they are in our rear view mirror. 

Every intersection offers several possibilities. You just have to pick the right road. And sometimes those choices have to be made quickly.

One of the things about being human is how we get so used to limited options without questioning them. 


Observe carefully how those around you ‘show up’. Decide what you will do with those who do not.

Let go of people who do not treat you the way you deserve to be treated. Stop giving your love and energy to people who are not ready to love you. When you let go of the people who are not ready to love you the way you deserve to be loved, you will know how precious it is because you have experienced what is not. 


Make your life a haven where only people who genuinely care, deliberately listen and consistently connect are allowed.

It is not an attitude of pride, but of CONGRUENCE. You will continue to love them but with another perspective, from another level of understanding, comprehension and awareness.


It is your job to realize that you are the MASTER and the LOVER of your DESTINY and your LIFE. 

Don’t be less than your best just so others around you feel comfortable. 


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