My trainer tells me time and time again..

“Slow is Smooth. Smooth is Fast.
Rush is not a skill.
Skill is not rushed.
Go slow now so you can go fast later.”

As with any art or skill, the key to excellence and greatness is in understanding and applying the fundamentals.

Even the worlds greatest musicians practice the scales before a performance.

In our haste to ‘get it done fast’ and ‘get ahead quickly’, we often forget about the basics – the fundamentals that create the strong foundation for Mastery.

Especially in these tumultuous times of chaos and confusion, let us not forget to go back to the basics.

We will go a lot further and a lot faster by revisiting the fundamentals once in a while and keep returning to them.

“Slow is Smooth. Smooth is Fast.
Rush is not a skill.
Skill is not rushed.
Go slow now so you can go fast later.”


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