A Strong Woman

The thing about a Strong Woman is that she doesn’t need you, she WANTS you. And if you are slack, play immature games, are careless with her time, or act like a dick, she will cut you from her life with deft and speed and be very content without you. #IAMZIVA #badassbydesign #thewayofthespiritualentrepreneur

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Shannon’s Testimonial
Shannon’s Testimonial
Shannon’s Testimonial: “Pauline’s Spiritual Entrepreneur Accelerator Program has shown me how fucking powerful I am, and that we can all be when we put in the work. Pauline has given me the …read more
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It Takes Strength To Go Deep
It Takes Strength To Go Deep

It takes strength to look at your life and the curve balls it throws at you and ask "Am I here to be more than I am or just be who I am? Did I come this far to only come this far?"

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Decoding Purpose Podcast
Decoding Purpose Podcast
“When we reflect on our success in business either as an executive or an entrepreneur we often turn our gaze towards what’s around us. Have we got enough sales? Is …read more
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“Sexual Energy is the Creative Energy of virtually all geniuses.”
“Sexual Energy is the Creative Energy of virtually all geniuses.”
Napoleon Hill once said that, “Sexual Energy is the Creative Energy of virtually all geniuses.” ….and yet, even today, we have been told to dumb it down, cover up, mute ourselves …read more
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