Don’t be afraid to release someone who is not grateful to have you.

Don’t be afraid to release someone who is not grateful to have you. A woman who knows what she brings to the table is not afraid to eat alone. She has known sadness and she has known pain and she has known sorrow and heartache, — and this has made her generous and open and kind. You must understand that she is skilled. She doesn’t just listen to your words. She watches your face. She stares into your eyes. She notices the goosebumps that have formed on the insides of your arms. She watches the change in your breath and the body language that you speak and do not speak. She peeps your tone and can sense when your mouth is wet or dry. She makes mental notes of your words and your patterns and mannerisms, and she hears what you DO NOT say. She can smell you. And while she practices tolerance and forgiveness and inclusion over and over and over… in the end, she will ultimately trust her intuition. When the time is come, she will cut you with precision, just as she cuts those who do not see her worth. She will only be with those who treat her the way she deserves to be treated. And she will move on. Because her life experience has shown her, that whenever she feels crushed, whenever she is under pressure and pushed into the darkness, she is in her powerful place of transmutation and transformation. And because you did not treat her like the Queen that she is, she will leave you behind because it is her truth. And because it is her law. #badassbydesign #thewayofthespiritualentepreneur

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