Spiritual Entrepreneur Inner Circle Retreat – DAY 2 – THE WORK

Choose your Inner Circle wisely and design your outer circle with discernment. Hang out with those who encourage your intellectual, emotional and spiritual growth. Retreat from those who obsess with the stories of the past. Avoid those who freely judge that which they do not understand. Remember to declare your boundaries. A lack of boundaries invites disrespect. Do not subordinate to those who attempt to exert their power, opinions and beliefs over you — no matter what their rank or social status may be. Your thoughts and your feelings have something to do with your Destiny. As too do the people you choose to seek council from, confide in and trust. How you think, how you feel, and who you listen to will create your Life. Choose your Inner Circle wisely. #SEIC #innercircle #thewayofthespiritualentrepreneur

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“ARN Women in ICT Awards: and the winners are…”
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What is a Shaman?
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Active CEO Podcast – Rise Like A Phoenix
Active CEO Podcast – Rise Like A Phoenix

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