They will call you a Bitch. They will call you a Witch. They will call you a Crazy. They will call you Judgemental. They will call you Rude. They have no idea what you are about or what it is that you actually do. People are always afraid of what they do not understand. They will tell you to ‘Correct your Tone’ They will tell you to stay ‘Inside the Box’ Fuck staying within the confines of their fucking boxes. They want to keep you in the box so that you behave. So that they can control you and keep you down. Because the Truth makes them uncomfortable. It makes them look at themselves in a way they do not like….and they do not like what they see. People do not like to be called to their own attention. And because the truth is inconvenient for them, they will label you. Sister, Keep speaking your truth. Don’t let them mute you. Don’t let them censor you. You have a duty to yourself to ‘call it’ if robs you of your energy and your inner peace. Attack your mission like a savage. BECOME THE PREDATOR. #badassbydesign #thewayofthespiritualentrepreneur

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Rest is a Weapon
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