When you possess Unwavering Internal Certainty simply because you are tested and proven time and time and time again, you get gifted the Force of Unbridled Energy and the Power of Inspiration on a daily basis to make manifest your hearts desires in the most expedient and joyful ways. Why? Because the Universe Rewards the Unreasonably Determined. Underestimate me. I dare you. #badassbydesign #thewayofthespiritualentrepreneur

More Inspiration

Cooking on National Live TV – Watch Me!
Cooking on National Live TV – Watch Me!

I am grateful to Studio10 for inviting me back to do something I have never done before. I thrive on doing things I have never done before. How else do we learn and evolve? It was so much fun! I am not a Chef nor am I even a professional cook, but I certainly am a professional eater!

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Those who wonder if the glass is half full or half empty are missing the point
Those who wonder if the glass is half full or half empty are missing the point
Those who wonder if the glass is half full or half empty are missing the point. The glass is refillable. In deep thinking conversation with my Negroni while waiting for my …read more
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Is there anything greater I can give to you than to work on myself?
Is there anything greater I can give to you than to work on myself?
Is there anything greater I can give to you than to work on myself? To forgive, love, expand, invest in and express myself? Why? Because I take myself everywhere I go, and my …read more
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SNEAK PEEK! PODCAST ALERT – New Episode has dropped!
SNEAK PEEK! PODCAST ALERT – New Episode has dropped!
“Wherever you are at peace, the question is, how are you protecting your peace? What would you fight for? What would you kill for? What would you surrender for? So …read more
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