“So, who is the retreat for? My friend asked me on the weekend. “Is Awaken the Spiritual Entrepreneur retreat just for entrepreneurs? I want in, and I am not an entrepreneur, so does this mean I miss out?”
I giggled.
No, my retreat is not just for entrepreneurs. It is for anyone WHO IS HUNGRY. HUNGRY and READY to learn The Way of the Spiritual Entrepreneur.
Awaken the Spiritual Entrepreneur Retreat is for Leaders of all kinds – Parents, Managers, CEOs, Sole Traders, Teachers, Partners and Families.
When I wrote The Way of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, of course I had entrepreneurs in mind, because that is my journey. But as I have taken the book, the message and the mission out into the world, it has been embraced and shared by all who have read the secrets woven within its pages.
My Spiritual Entrepreneur Roundtables have seen a delicious variety of guests, each on their individual quests – business owners, start ups, managers, coordinators, freelancers, grandmothers, parents and more.
What I have found is that they all have similar desires. They are…
– Yearning for something bigger and better for themselves, their businesses and their loved ones.
– Looking for better health and vitality in their life.
– Wanting to uplevel their skillset and further develop themselves personally and spiritually.
– Driven to consciously disrupt their own habits, their old ways of thinking and past conditioning.
– Hungry for deeper connection with other like minded souls who are asking the big questions, and want to do things differently.
– And, want to learn and soak up all of the latest strategies, tools, habits and techniques that will assist them to move forward and make manifest in their lives what they want.
And this does not apply only to entrepreneurs.
So, if this is you. If you also feel called, nudged, curious or interested in going further with your spiritual development, I invite you to join me at Awaken the Spiritual Entrepreneur Retreat.
Only those who are HUNGRY and READY need apply.
June 14th – 16th with limited spots left. APPLY today to avoid missing out!
I’m Ready. Are you?