When Two Good Mates get together and try to be serious for a Podcast…

When Two Good Mates get together and try to be serious for a Podcast… have lots of cheeky giggles…. and end up revealing stories never told before…

Thanks Dr Maria Zuschmann

Me Love You Long Time


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“This weeks special guest is the enigmatic game changer @paulinenspeaks, one of Australia’s most successful entrepreneurs – but with difference. ⁠

She is a Sort After International Speaker, best-selling author and award-winning businesswoman – Following on from her success with her first book Secrets of the Red Lantern, Pauline has penned a new book, The Way of the Spiritual Entrepreneur – the 7 Secrets to Becoming Fearless, Stress Free and Unshakable in Business and in Life. Through direct experience, she knows that ‘happiness’ alone won’t solve our business problems. To be Fearless, Stress Free and Unshakable are more powerful traits.⁠

⁠Pauline’s unique life experiences have given her a distinctive insight into the minds of individuals and businesses alike, allowing her to pass on the invaluable skills of self-mastery, courage, resilience and grit. As Pauline says, ‘If we can learn the tools of self-mastery, we can better practice the art of influence with others.⁠

⁠I am so excited to have her on as a guest Aligned U listeners, and I am very blessed that P is my dear friend, Mentor and collaborator.⁠

⁠This interview series follows the stories of a group of amazing humans… people that I truly admire! ⁠

I admire what they have achieved and continue to achieve and am intrigued to know if there are common themes to truly being ALIGNED.⁠

So much love and gratitude for this amazing lady, and such a pleasure and a joy to have the opportunity to interview her again… Dr Mxo”

More Inspiration

ABC Radio National – We Do Things Differently
ABC Radio National – We Do Things Differently

I had the opportunity to do a live interview on Radio National, ABC, About Life, taking The Way of the Spiritual Entrepreneur to the world.  The last time I was in the ABC studios was on the Margaret Throsby Show some 11 years ago when I launched my first book Secrets of the Red Lantern. Now that was an experience!

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