WE ARE STILL IN THE GAME …. and with your continued support, we hope to remain in the game. With Love & Gratitude Mark, Luke. Adam, Pauline, and the Red Lantern Family.

“We are so very grateful for your ongoing support and for understanding that we have had to continually pivot and change our business model to anticipate and respond to the ever changing times. With full hearts, we ask for your continued support throughout this pandemic so that we can keep our doors open. We look forward to seeing you soon.” – Red Lantern Restaurant & Private Dining Room

More Inspiration

Pauline Nguyen: ‘I was seven when I began working…that was our training, and it made us who we are’
Pauline Nguyen: ‘I was seven when I began working…that was our training, and it made us who we are’

Pauline Nguyen. Occupation Restaurateur and author. Age 48. Relationship status In a relationship. Best known for Her book, Secrets of the Red Lantern. Currently Appearing in Filthy Rich and Homeless

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Not Afraid To Eat Alone
Not Afraid To Eat Alone

Don’t be afraid to lose someone who is not grateful to have you. A woman who knows what she brings to the table is not afraid to eat alone. She has known sadness and she has known pain and she has known sorrow and heartache — and this has made her generous and open and kind.

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“Ten Game-Changing Books for Building Confidence”
“Ten Game-Changing Books for Building Confidence”
Honoured and Delighted to be included amongst such company. *** Claiming Your Confidence Podcast “Here it is in all its glory… who doesn’t love a good top ten list?! From this week’s podcast episode, …read more
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Trust in the Process and the gold will come.
Trust in the Process and the gold will come.
Oh Yeah! I’m also a multi award winning author. Almost forgot about that one! Punching out a few articles today for Tonic Magazine. While I am a fast thinker, I …read more
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