Trust in the Process and the gold will come.

Oh Yeah! I’m also a multi award winning author. Almost forgot about that one! Punching out a few articles today for Tonic Magazine. While I am a fast thinker, I am a slow writer. One thing I have learned time and time again, is that I cannot edit a blank page. Trust in the Process and the gold will come. It always does. #badassbydesign #thewayofthespiritualentrepreneur

More Inspiration

Is your desire in Life to be Happy?
Is your desire in Life to be Happy?
Is your desire in Life to be Happy? Then, let me ask you… what do you deliberately do each day to activate happiness? Is your desire in Life to experience Joy? Then, let …read more
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Access to Nature’s Medicine, Daily
Access to Nature’s Medicine, Daily

I love that the Wentworth Courier could fit so much about my day to day activities and my personal life in this one article on ‘Why I Love My Suburb’. Ask the right questions and you will get the right answers.  

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We are what we share.
We are what we share.
I believe that a large part of a Professional Keynote Speaker’s job is to become a Language Surgeon. I believe that a large part of a Professional Keynote Speaker’s job is …read more
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