The Wild Woman

The Wild Woman is an unexplainable spark of life. She cannot be boxed. The Wild Woman oozes freedom and seeks expansion, elevation and evolution. She stopped giving people ‘discounts’ a long time ago. She knows the value that she gives. She knows the impact that she makes. She knows very clearly her worth. The Wild Woman has been told time and time again that she is ‘too intense.’ That she is ‘too much.’ That she is ‘too out there.’ That she is ‘too blunt.’ That she is ‘too cold.’ They call it inappropriate. She calls it Radical Honesty. It’s ok if they don’t get it. People mistake the Wild Woman’s need to speak her truth as the need to be right. She doesn’t need to be right. She has no desire to win an argument for the sake of winning an argument. This is a mismanagement of her valuable energy. She doesn’t need to be right. She needs to be true. Truth needs no argument. Anything that costs the Wild Woman her Peace is too expensive. She would rather walk away. The Wild Woman belongs to nobody but herself and yet gives a piece of who she is to everyone she meets. And wherever she goes, and as much as she can, and only for those who are ready, she will leave an undeniable sense of ‘Increase.’ The Wild Woman will allow you into her chaos and also show you her magic. …..but only if you are ready. #BadassByDesign #thewayofthespiritualentrepreneur

More Inspiration

Do not commit to me.
Do not commit to me.
Do not commit to me. Commit to evolving. I will meet you there. #badassbydesign #thewayofthespiritualentrepreneur
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Called And Pulled From A Hunger Inside

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Walking and talking through the streets of Dubai with the Good Dr. Natalia Wiechowski.
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