The Hygeine of My Associations

So you brush your teeth regularly to keep them clean right? You maintain the cleanliness of your kitchen so you don’t get sick right? You keep your home in top condition so that it is pleasant to live in right? You consistently work on improvements in your business so it runs like a well oiled machine with competent people at the helm right? Well, how often do you tend to the hygeine of your associations? Do you consistently hold your friends and work colleagues to account in the interest of the evolution of your relationships and your business? Do you consistently hold yourself to account in the interest of your own evolution? Well, don’t hang our with LIKE Minded people. Hang out with UN-LIKE Minded people. Seems like it doesn’t sense right? Well, this video will tell you why it makes absolute sense. #badassbydesign #thewayofthespiritualentrepreneur

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The Joy, The Laughter, The Love and the Evolution is Ours.
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Change your Breathing, Change your Life.
Change your Breathing, Change your Life.
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The Wild Woman
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