The Future is F*cking Exciting.

I AM RA – The Way of the Spiritual Man BOSS. When 2 BOSSES go on retreat. Day 1. Initiating, Activating and Integrating with Mr Bidmead. Sharing laughter, tears, healing, evolution, involution and love in Gaia’s potent embrace as we prepare ourselves for what is to come. The Future is Fucking Exciting. #IAMRA #thewayofthespiritualman

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The Way of the Spiritual Entrepreneur in Audiobook

"It was like you went into my brain and read me my life's learning." Releasing my book on audio has meant a whole new audience has been able to find it and enjoy it, all over the world.

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The goal is growth.  Not perfection.
The goal is growth. Not perfection.
THAT DREAM…when that dream is backed by an unrelenting will to attain it… that dream becomes a reality with imminent arrival. We are only ever one decision away from a totally …read more
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Finding the Gold in Conflict
Finding the Gold in Conflict

We are not meant to be happy 24 hours a day 7 days a week. We are designed to experience the full gamut of emotions. There is a lot to be learned from experiencing melancholy, anger and frustration.

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How often to you connect to source?
How often to you connect to source?
Abraham Hicks writes… “Let others vibrate how they vibrate and want the best for them. Never mind how they’re flowing to you. You concentrate on how you’re flowing. Because those who …read more
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