She is the type of woman you go to war beside, not against.
She’s a badass crazy with a kind heart full of love.
She is soft and strong and has boundaries like a motherfucker.
She speaks her truth and is unapologetic.
She knows her worth.
She has a lot to say, but chooses to remain silent in front of idiots.
Her intuition is sharp and she will always find that building relationships with righteous people more productive than battling with egos and small minds.
She knows her mission. She knows why she is here.
She does not live her life out of habit but of intent.
She is the master of persistence and is determined as fuck.
She has learned to control her emotions or else be consumed by them.
She loves herself, knows herself, trusts herself and has eliminated what does not help her evolve.
She is not afraid to be alone because she is never lonely.
Being her truth is her mission.
She knows her worth.
It is when she makes her darkness conscious that she is the most enlightened.
She channels the darkness that most people refuse to acknowledge.
She is the type of woman you go to war beside, not against.