None of us are getting out of here alive
None of us are getting out of here alive. So stop treating yourself like an after thought.
Eat delicious food. Drink delicious wine. Go see the world. Embrace many adventures. Discover new places. Experience the unknown over and over and over.
Wake up early. Jump naked in the ocean. Run in the rain. Climb that mountain. Live where you want to live. Go write that book. Sing that song out loud. Play your heart strings in public. Start that business. Paint the portrait of your life.
Don’t mollycoddle your children. Let them learn the lessons. Help them to be brave. Allow them to experience the beauty of freedom. And when it is called for, remind them who is the parent and who is the child.
Learn from as many people as possible. Everyone has something to teach. Create new projects. Gift yourself daily with the energy of inspiration charging through your veins. Leave everyone you meet with a sense of Increase.
Fall in love with more than one person. Don’t hold back your affection. Every chance you get, be close to those who feel like sunshine. Tell the ones you love how much you love them.
Be silly. Be kind. Be weird. Get your sexy on. Don’t listen to those who try to mute you and tell you to be quiet, dumb yourself down, cover yourself up and conform.
Speak the truth that you carry in your heart like it is your greatest treasure.
There is no time for anything else.