Every next level of your life will demand a next level version of you

Every next level of your life will demand a next level version of you.

You don’t want to hang around like-minded people because nothing grows fast in safe spaces.

Hang out with un-like minded people and watch how much more exciting life becomes.

At every milestone, you must strive to always see the big picture and become a new person. Yes, you must literally change your character and change who you are.

We are here on this earth to do three things. To Push Humanity Forward, to Evolve, and to do it with Joy.

If we choose to remain the same person, we are stunting our growth, our joy and our evolution.

Personal Development cannot happen unless Personal Disruption happens first.

The work we do on ourselves proceeds layer by layer, from the most external forms of personality to the inner core of our being.

Motivation is for amateurs.

Professionals go to work on a daily basis. They go to work on themselves so that they can better serve others.

Personal Disruption is where Real Leaders Succeed.



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The World Is Ready

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