The Life You Live are the Lessons You Teach

A daily dose of the ocean’s medicine is one of my non-negotiables. When winter came this year, I had wanted something warmer to wear in the water. As with most events that happen in my life, the thought sent the signal out into ‘The Field’ and more and more, I find myself speaking things into existence. This is but one example….

I had been not long been looking at a particular full length one piece from UNE PIECE and BOOM! The next Day, I saw that owner and founder of UNE PIECE Carly Brown had signed up to join one of my Spiritual Entrepreneur Roundtables at Red Lantern. She did not know that I had had my eye on one of her pieces. We had never met before. Who knew that she too was a Spiritual Entrepreneur?

I was soon to discover that UNE PIECE is the home of the world’s most beautiful one piece swimwear. Born in Australia, inspired by the South of France.UNE PIECE exudes timeless style and sensuality.I tell everyone how sexy I feel when I wear an UNE PIECE.

It was a joy to share my words with Carly for thisUne Piece, Life is Beautiful Blog.

Amongst the juicy and fun questions was this one;

What is the one piece of advice that you would give others on their entrepreneur journey?

Don’t do it alone. Surround yourself with people who will bring the best in you. Those who will not accept mediocrity from you. The ones who will not let you hide behind your excuses. Those who will call you to account. You become your associations. You become your environment and your environment becomes you. Choose them well.

Enjoy reading the full blog piece here and join me at my next Spiritual Roundtable Event here.

More Inspiration

“No one goes to the Grand Canyon to increase self-esteem.
“No one goes to the Grand Canyon to increase self-esteem.
“No one goes to the Grand Canyon to increase self-esteem. Why do we go? Because there is greater healing for the soul in beholding splendor than there is in beholding self. The really …read more
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Something stirs as the Tiger Purrrs
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