We do not attract what we want.
That is amateur manifestation.
The professional manifester understands the Law of Vibration.
The Law of Vibration decrees that everything moves. Nothing rests.
The Law of Vibration decrees that life does not happen TO US.
Life happens FROM US and THROUGH US.
Life therefore is RESPONDING TO US.
We attract WHAT WE ARE.
We attract WHO WE BECOME.
The first law of the Law of Attraction is also this…
Now, I’m not talking about looks here right?
I’m talking about the way you think.
The way you choose to feel.
The dreams you make a reality.
The words you speak to others.
The words you speak to yourself.
The energy you emit.
Your frequency and vibration.
Who you be is how you see.
How you see is who you be.
Who will you become?
Who will you become to attract the people into your orbit to help get you to where you to want to go faster?
We become our associations and our associations become us.
We become our environment and our environment becomes us.
Your thoughts and your feelings have something to do with your DESTINY.
How you think and how you feel will create your experience of LIFE.
Choose wisely.