“Sexual Energy is the Creative Energy of virtually all geniuses.”

Napoleon Hill once said that, “Sexual Energy is the Creative Energy of virtually all geniuses.” ….and yet, even today, we have been told to dumb it down, cover up, mute ourselves and behave. We have been taught to be ashamed of this power – this creative energy that is our birthright. Someone who has a lot of sexual energy can also have deeply healing energy. Sexual energy is healing energy at a spiritual level. The best healers I know have potent sexual energy. Everywhere in ancient times women were shamans. They were always connected with divination and with the movements and currents of the earth… as if they could not be separated from her. Women shamans and priestesses are frequently portrayed naked and grounded in the physical body, openly sexual, confident in their abilities, anchored in their Divinity, chanting, singing, dancing, healing, birthing, planting and doing the physical as well as the meta – physical work of the world. Sexual Energy is Life Force Energy. It moves from the negative pole to the positive pole of the body in a circuit. Like a battery in our bodies, it receives information and energy from the sky down through the earth, and sends it back up again, out of the crown into the torus field …recreating our electro magnetic signature time and time again. So, the more energy that moves through your system, the more energy available for anything … healing, nurture, creation, communication, manifestation. At its core, Spirituality is psycho-technology of changing consciousness. Put simply, Spirituality is physics that has yet to be explained. The “work” therefore, is to transmute your sexual energies into higher levels of consciousness…but… how can you transmute energy when there is no energy to animate? You gotta create it. It’s time to get your sexy on! #BadassByDesign #thewayofthespiritualentrepreneur

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