One-on-One Coaching
An unparalleled guide to new dimensions Igniting potential one breath at a time A gift to your future self
Do you believe there’s something more to existence than paying bills and dying? Do you feel that the full richness of life is just out of touch of your grasping fingertips? Do you feel financially wealthy, but spiritually bankrupt?
Pauline is not a quick fix business coach. As she says, “Entrepreneurs and business people don’t have business problems, they have personal problems that reflect in their business.” From stagecraft, to speakership for influence and persuasion, to psychosomatic techniques for healing and emotional mastery, Pauline coaches her clients to stand in their power and deliver their truth, leading from the front with purpose, passion, power and poise.
Pauline doesn’t describe herself as a business coach. As one of Australia’s premier Developmental Coaches, she also intimately understands business and entrepreneurship. This lived, embodied knowledge helps Pauline’s clients to get extraordinary results with their businesses – by first working on their own mind, heart, health and spirit.
Combining science and spirituality, Pauline uses Meta Neuro Linguistic Programming, Shamanism, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Integral Semantics Facilitation, Speakership and Stagecraft, Emotional Freedom Technique, Nature’s Medicine, Movement Intelligence, Energy Medicine, Breath Mastery, Qigong, mind training and meditation to enable her clients to rise to their highest state of consciousness, unleashing their gifts to the world.

The Process

Each of Pauline’s clients are accepted by application only. If successful, Pauline offers a Diagnostic session to deeply understand her client’s needs, custom tailoring their program to help them to get to where they want to go, fast.

Breath work
What if someone told you the success of your business hangs on your breath? Pauline teaches the art of breath as the currency of influence for those looking to succeed, helping others live a life of conscious design and optimum health and well-being.

Shamanic activation
Using her energetic gifts and the art of ancient spiritual traditions, Pauline uses aspects of shamanism, in particular nature’s medicine, voice activation and sound healing, to fundamentally change her clients’ state of consciousness.

Nature’s medicine
Much of Pauline’s work with her clients is done in nature, especially at sunrise where the healing frequency is at its most potent. Science tell us that when we are in nature, anxiety, overwhelm, depression, illness and disease is reduced by 50%. Science also tells us that inspiration, creativity, imagination and trust also increases by 50% when we are in nature. By accessing nature’s medicine, Pauline is able to assist her clients to accelerate their growth and healing potential exponentially.

This is the metamorphosis every client is looking for. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, the transformation process enables those who work with Pauline to enjoy a revolution of their internal kingdom – becoming fearless, stress free and unshakable. Pauline doesn’t want to work with her clients forever; she wants them to become powerful in their own right, embodying their new-found knowledge and relishing the transformation’s ripple through their personal and professional lives.
“I knew I needed a coach who aligned with my business, personal, social and importantly spiritual values. This is Pauline. Her coaching has been extraordinarily valuable, particularly in reframing major problems as well as handling difficult people and situations. I see the results manifest immediately! Pauline’s astute understanding of business, executives, NLP, the human condition and spirituality is rare and already has made a significant difference in my work, life, health and spirit.”
– Dr Catriona Wallace | Founder Flamingo AI
“Having struggled with anxiety for most of my life adult life, and seeing a couple of psychologists over the years with little success, I knew there had to be another way forward. Upon reading Pauline’s book, I knew instantly I wanted to meet her. After three one-on-one sessions and strictly doing ‘the work’, Pauline’s methods have opened up a whole new and exciting world for me. Her immense energy, care and guidance, have put me on the path I’ve been seeking but never found. Feeling great is the new normal!”
– Dan Galati | Real Masai Safari Tours Kenya
“Pauline started coaching me, I saw the shift immediately. My business and personal life have never been so clear, with so many improvements. Pauline’s coached me on my health, my business, my public speaking skills, my developmental psychology and on being the best business owner, husband and father I can be – with integrity, passion and direction. Pauline’s not afraid to tell me what I need to hear to make the changes. The value of Pauline’s coaching could not be validated with any cost. In short, she changes people’s lives.”
– Victor Volpe | CEO and Founder, Volpe
“I knew when I engaged Pauline as my personal coach that things were going to be different. She has a reputation for being the best. In our very first session, Pauline had me feeling back to who I am meant to be – the beautiful feminine woman that I am. Her skills are unmatched to any other coach I’ve had in the last ten years. Pauline is always growing and upskilling in various modalities which makes her the best. This is why I believe her clients get rapid results. In four sessions, I’ve seen so much change and growth.”
– Lauren D’Elboux
“The first time I heard give a her Keynote Presentation, I knew I had to meet her.
I had a sixth sense that this woman was going to have a profound impact on my life
So, I organised to have dinner with Pauline Nguyen, and during this meeting I shared with her a little about my life, not only my successes as an entrepreneur myself but also my pain. I had been suffering from a form of rheumatoid arthritis (an excruciatingly painful condition) for over 12 years. I had tried everything to heal. I had travelled the world looking for answers and yet nothing to date had helped enormously. I’d had little improvements here and there, but if anything I felt like I was going backwards.
Pauline suggested that I start some sessions with her to see if it might help. She made it very clear that she could guide me, but my healing was up to me. I had to do the work. Doing the work is something I don’t have a problem with.
So we began…
…I met Pauline at sunrise on the cliff tops of Clovelly and she began to introduce me to her many modalities of healing. One by one she unveiled her mastery, mastery that is designed to bring about shifts in mind, body and spirit. Her expertise includes shamanism, energy management, NLP, CBT, EFT, emotional mastery, meditation, manifestation, heart entrainment, nature’s medicine, breath work and leadership skills to name a few.
So I did the work, and embraced her methods wholeheartedly. I got my body moving with yoga, I cleared my mind, I embraced the healing energy of the sunrise, I activated my vagus nerve by jumping in the healing pools at Clovelly Beach, I cleared some energetic blockages, I did a Chinese herb water fast to cleanse my body of toxins, and slowly step by step I began to come alive. And as I came alive my body began to heal, the pain started to shift. I actually got my oxygen levels in my blood measured before and after the program and my blood had become completely oxygenated, beyond the average person’s oxygen levels. My whole life had changed… in only 3 months. After years of searching I was actually healing…
…One of the beautiful unexpected outcomes of this journey was the sheer joy I was beginning to feel. I was finding myself laughing and giggling all day. I noticed I was less irritated by the smallest things. I wanted to hug everybody.
Now I want to reiterate that I have seen some of the most important doctors and so called healers around the world trying to find answers. And what I realised, it took a woman who walks the talk, a woman who has lived through her own battlefields, her own health crisis, her own business challenges. A woman who has sought out the most powerful teachers from around the world to learn from, to become the powerful badass ninja that she is today.
It took Pauline Nguyen, ‘The Spiritual Entrepreneur’ to show me the way to create my own path to heal.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
– Emma Scott | Director, Tiny Hunter
Pauline Nguyen