“Finally. Someone who makes a massive impact in the areas of both ‘personal development’ and ‘entrepreneurship’. Without being all about the dollars, nor just your own leadership/development. Pauline manages to bring the two together in a unique (and I mean unique) style. Get ready to head into your own ‘unknown’.
Having completed plenty of NLP trainings, personal development, entrepreneurship skills, Tony Robbins etc, it was perfect to be reminded of some old lessons – but in such an exceptional way that I could truly take them onboard and take action. Her delivery is exquisite and world-class.
Plus there were the endless new learnings to absorb, integrate and to be honest…get the f*ck on with.
If you open your head and heart to what she has to share, you can’t help but walk away on a more powerful, fun, adventurous path. Having sold my business and expecting to travel, then COVID hit, I was feeling totally stuck in most areas of my life. Pauline inspired and challenged me out of my ‘funk’ and right now I’m nearing the end of writing my book…so that’s a WIN for me!
She can be tough, but she also has a gentle touch when it comes to delivering the potentially prickly points.
Pauline’s the real deal. Truly knows her craft. Is funny as f*ck. Loves a vino and will both jolt, scare and inspire you into a new level of power and action.
To have any intimate group time with Pauline is a gift and will become more limited as each month goes on, so jump in now. Thanks so much Miss P xxx”
(Leona Watson – Speaker, Coach, Consultant, Leader)
The Spiritual Entrepreneur Accelerator
3 month online program
Commences: June 17, 2021
Click here to secure your spot