HOW I DISCIPLINE MY CHILDREN The word ‘Discipline’ derives from the word ‘Disciple’ – a perpetual student of Life. I have been told that my style of parenting is ‘Radical’. Be that as it may. I believe that our job as parents is to teach our children to be as self sufficient, as independent and as self referent as possible, so that they can hold their own and build their confidence in the real world — and not be products of co-dependency and helplessness. I see so many parents create an environment of co-dependency out of their need to feel needed. Do not mollycoddle my children. Let them learn the lessons. Help them to be brave. Allow them to experience the beauty of their freedom of expression, their creativity and their courage. ….and when it is called for, remind them who is the parent and who is the child. I hope you enjoy this interview with my beautiful, brave, inspiring, courageous, articulate, funny, determined, creative, affectionate, loving , talented, smart and chivalrous son Jethro. ‘Jethro’ means ‘remarkable’ and ’eminent’ in Hebrew – and he certainly lives up to his name. Jethro – who is everything that is beautiful about me. #BadassByDesign #thewayofthespiritualentrepreneur

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My Gratitude is Deep for this Game that Life allows me to Play.
My Gratitude is Deep for this Game that Life allows me to Play.
So, I wrote my first book 13 years ago. Won a couple of awards for it, including ‘Debut Writer of the Year’. It became an International Best Seller and Life …read more
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The Secret To Living Is Giving
The Secret To Living Is Giving

One of the greatest joys that I experience with my Spiritual Entrepreneur Roundtables is the invitation for my guests to not only come to learn from me, but also learn from each other. The Secret to Living is Giving, and boy, did the Spiritual Entrepreneurs at Tuesday’s Roundtable give A LOT!

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Don’t let them touch you.
Don’t let them touch you.
Being humble doesn’t mean discounting your value my darling. Express yourself. Hold your own. Don’t apologise for who you are. Have the courage to defend yourself and stand up …read more
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Day 3 – Who will you be?
Day 3 – Who will you be?
ZIVA LIFE COLLECTIVE RETREAT 2021 Day 3 – Who will you be? How you see is who you be. Who you be is how you see. Who will you now choose to be? The …read more
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