Genuinely Thriving

The people who are genuinely thriving in their lives are the ones who make room for well-being, wisdom, wonder, evolution, growth and giving. The ones who bring a lot to the table when they hold space for you: love, prayer, curiosity, support, intelligence, purpose, class, experience, dignity, ambition, value, drive and honesty through the potent value exchange of authentic expression. The people who are genuinely thriving in their lives are the ones who practice self care, self love, self esteem, self worth and self sustainability. The ones who respect everything about their body, their mind, their heart, their soul’s intuition and their spirit. The ones who budget their energy like it is the most valuable resource they own. The people who are genuinely thriving in their lives are the ones who know that they can’t possibly have an authentic relationship with anyone else unless they have a truthful relationship with themselves first. The ones who know that it is better to appear strange to others than be a stranger to yourself. The people who are genuinely thriving in their lives are the ones who are not afraid to remind you, as well as themselves, that you alone are responsible for letting what hurt you haunt you. #BadassByDesign #thewayofthespiritualentrepreneur

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