RESOLVE (definition):
To decide firmly on a course of action.

You know that to make a resolution is not the same as setting a future goal right?

A resolution says you will RESOLVE something. This means that when it happens, in that split second you resolve it.

If you resolve to not put up with other people’s bullshit anymore, well…guess what? From that split second onwards, you will not put up with people’s bullshit anymore.

If you resolve to leave the lover who treats you like an after thought, then…guess what? You had better have that end conversation and move on.

If you resolve to never work in that dead end job that kills your soul, then…guess what? You had better make some firm decisions and take some serious action before another year passes and you become soul-less.

Resolutions are powerful intentions. If you speak them and then don’t act – they stop believing in you and their power diminishes.

If you resolve to stay away from the Naysayers, the Dream Stealers, the Shit Talkers and the Sleep Walkers who make fun of your resolve, then you had better do some straight shooting sooner rather than later.

Hold true to your deepest intentions and resolutions dear friends.

Do not give your Power away.

Show up to honour your resolve.

Because if you cannot honour yourself, who will honour you?

If you are tired of being sick and tired and yearn to hold firm on your resolutions to live a far more inspired life and a more empowered way of being…

If you want to finally unleash the true Potential of You. The true Universe of you and start hanging with those who play a much larger game of life…

If you want to start falling in love with the joy for existence and give LIFE TO LIFE…

Then I invite you to join me for The Spiritual Entrepreneur Accelerator where you get me LIVE online each week for 3 months to meet the next best level version of you.

Trust me, Life will never be the same again.


Click here and join me – commences January 2023 – the perfect time to honour your New Year Resolutions.

I keep my groups intimate for maximum potency. Spots sell out quickly – secure your spot now.

New York City USA (GMT -5)
Commences 4 January 2023

Sydney Aus (GMT +11)
Commences 5 January 2023

More Inspiration


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