IT’S OK TO OUTGROW PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT GROWING. …and it’s OK to outgrow people who couldn’t be bothered keeping up. And it eventually gets better, without any sort of explanation. One day we wake up and realise that we are no longer hurt and no longer upset. There is no more ‘bother’. Once the decision is made, like magic, we find ourselves moving far away from those who once treated us like an after thought, and we gravitate towards the ones who feel like sunshine. Once the decision is made, like magic, we gravitate towards the ones who have a sense of truth in individuality. The ones who are not afraid to express anything that is awkward, ‘dirty’, kinky and imperfect. Because awkwardness, ‘dirtiness’, kinkiness and imperfection is natural, human and real. Once the decision is made, like magic, we gravitate towards the ones who can see our worth, our value and our pricelessness. We have to love ourselves enough to stop trying when we feel unwanted. We do not reach out if it is not mutual. We do not beg. We have to love ourselves enough to not tolerate disrepect, disloyalty and wishy washy feelings. If a person doesn’t value you, move the fuck on. ‘Wishy Washy’ is one of the most unattractive things in the world. A person becomes 100 times more attractive not by their looks, but by their conviction, their acts of kindness, their acts of service, their acts of love, their friendship, their respect, their courage, their bravery, their honesty and the loyalty that they show. Once the decision is made, like magic, we become very “with all my heart” kind of people. If I love you, it is with all my heart, but if I stop loving you, it is also with all my heart. Once the decision is made, like magic, we will find ourselves in a most powerful and yet peaceful place — and we will cherish that power and that peace like it is the most precious feeling in the world…. because it is. Never Underestimate the Power of a Decision. #Badassbydesign #thewayofthespiritualentrepreneur

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